Thursday, May 22, 2008

This must have been painful

A boy falls of his bi-cycle at the cliff. You can see the cliff, now what happened next is unknown but one thing is sure the boy must have got badly hurt. Every one says no cycling on cliff guys.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Banana wall made from 7200 bananas

This is a banana wall made from 7200 banana's. Hey peoples watch out for the monkeys.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Flower pots made from personal computers

Hey thats a good use of waste. An unusual art of making flower pots from waste personal computers. Do those pot control or monitor the growth of the plants?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Old women hitting the armed soldeirs

Now this is called "Daring". You can see a old women kicking the shield of the armed army soldier. The women and others where protesting to get their rights.

All the men out there you need to learn something.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wasted beer on the road

Its bad so much of beer wasted, a real mess. But its party time peoples come grab as many beer carats as we can carry.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Want to play a king size Monopoly Game

Here is the real big Monopoly game. Played in between the ocean really funny and amazing. Many peoples do strange things that one cant imagine.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Huge Waves washing away the workers from the shore

Hey guys need to keep eyes everywhere.

This photos is amazing as you can see three workers walking past the sea and huge waves smashing the shore, i don't know what happened next but may be someone might have been washed away with the waves out of the three.

Man seeing the golf ball coming towards him smash his face

Watch out dude!
That must have hurt badly to both of them(camera as well as camera man).
Kid great shot but you should try to put the ball in the hole.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Coca Cola refrigerator in Pepsi truck

This is funny, two competing brands together. A Coca-Cola refrigerator being transported in Pepsi's truck.

Diagonal zebra crossing

A diagonal zebra crossing, you must be kidding me. But you can see it in the picture thats for real and people are even using it. I don't know how these people control the traffic.

A small plane crashed into the house

You can see a small plane crashed into the house. I think the pilot needed some crash course on how to land and where to land. Also I told you peoples No Drinking and Flying....

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