Lakshmi Niwas Mittal net worth is estimated at $13.6 billion according to Forbes as of 2015. Born on 15th June, 1950, Lakshmi Mittal is the protagonist of a typical rags-to-richest story. From a youth, who spent his life sleeping on thin mattresses, he has turned into the owner and CEO of world’s largest steel production company ArcelorMittal. With a personal fortune of US 20.7 billion, a significant amount comprising Lakshmi Niwas Mittal net worth, he stands sixth on the list of world's richest persons . He is also the second richest man in Europe and the richest man in United Kingdom for the fifth time in a row.
Lakshmi Mittal proudly owns this super luxury Recreational Vehicle. It is well equipped with all the luxury features such as a massive kitchen and bathroom, king size bed room and a huge living area. It can be called as a moving palace on earth.
Lakshmi Mittal proudly owns this super luxury Recreational Vehicle. It is well equipped with all the luxury features such as a massive kitchen and bathroom, king size bed room and a huge living area. It can be called as a moving palace on earth.
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